Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Extreme Couponing Tip: Don’t Shop Hungry!

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Extreme Couponing Tip: Don't Shop Hungry!

Extreme Couponing Tip: Don't Shop Hungry!

Ever go the store hungry and find you purchased much more than you planned on? When you shop on an empty stomach you are more likely to overspend and buy more than what's on your list. These extra items are often not on sale and likely lack a coupon. Impulse food buys also tend to be less healthy.

Before you head to the grocery store, pack a snack to munch on or go shopping after you eat, which is especially important if you have kids in tow. Also remember to tote around a water bottle or stop by the drinking fountain to avoid those oh-so-tempting chilled beverages at checkout.

On the other hand, shopping after a huge meal can be a mistake. You may skip things on your list that you need simply because it doesn't sound appetizing when you're super full.

Are you an impulse buyer? Check out this post on how to help keep your bill low!

Sent from Monica L. Hawkins iPhone

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