Sunday, April 15, 2012

Extreme Couponing: The Secret to a Better You

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Extreme Couponing: The Secret to a Better You

Certain virtues and skills can be added to your life for free: no life coach needed!  Want to know how?  It's something I'm pretty sure you already do on a consistent basis.  The secret to a better you can be found through the simple practice of couponing! Coupons have their own way of helping us improve our attitude towards ourselves and others. It's like having a personal life coach without the hefty fee.

Below are some of the improvements I've seen in my life since I started couponing just a short while ago.  I definitely give credit where credit is due.  Thank you, coupons!

1. Sharper memory - I bet you remember the coupon for that pasta sauce, because I sure do! Somehow I'm able to recall a certain coupon in no time when I see those amazing unadvertised deals. My mind is sharper and my memory better.  Certain studies suggest that we should find activities to keep our memory sharp as we age. With couponing, we've got that covered.

2. Better Math skills - Love it or not, coupon calculations are a challenge for everyone. Couponing covers basic math and estimation, among others. Don't you think we make our math teachers proud with our complex transactions?

3. Analysis and Logic - Couponing isn't rocket science but there's certainly a lot of analysis and logic involved when you devise a "battle plan" for the week. Each coupon has its restriction, and each stores has its policy; combining all the factors definitely deserves a pat on the back. Plus, formulating scenarios is never an easy task.

4. Patience - I'm very grateful to have been born a patient person. But when all five stores I went to early Sunday morning were out of stock on that facial wash, my patience was put to the test.  With a deep breath and a long sigh, I had to tell myself, that although it was a good deal that I really needed, I would just have to try again the next day.

5. Workout sessions – With all that store aisle walking, standing at the register, back and forth price checking, and scanning the aisles for clearances – you're burning some major calories! (Not to mention carrying, lifting and loading those bags!) Your legs and arms are getting toned for free. Who needs boot camp when you've got couponing?

6. Organizational skills – A binder, six newspaper subscriptions, Extra Bucks, U...

Sent from Monica L. Hawkins iPhone

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